When Autodesk started branching out into consumer-oriented SaaS applications like Homestyler, a home remodeling and visualization tool, we could no longer rely on extensive training to get target users up to speed and working. And when an entire new technology was introduced, in this case the ability to set up and request realistic "snapshots" from any angle, the challenge for me as a designer became even greater.
In response, I spoke with existing users, researched comparable features on other sites, and began creating interactive prototypes for formative usability testing. The result was a structured, simple way for Homestyler users to create and store these very personal and creative works. The images below give an impression of how the feature works, starting with a view of the proof of concept application from which the feature was drawn.
At Autodesk, I designed, tested and specified the visual and interaction design for an application to showcase some exciting new 3D rendering technology. This technology was leveraged in explorations of other business opportunities. It was also integrated into Autodesk Homestyler.