Category Archives: Uncategorized

Accessibility helps everyone

A couple of team members and I recently gave a talk about accessibility to our in-app assistance team. My section summarizing my point of view about Human-Centered Design is about 6 minutes long. While we always aim to create systems that need minimal training, there seem to be some products that are best to…
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Start Great and Iterate

As a practitioner of meditation who is trying to see through the illusion of phenomena as permanent, I've noticed that the aphorism "first thought, best thought" is often a correct statement about the spontaneous wisdom of the present moment. With product design ... it's different. As a human-centered designer who doesn't think the first idea…
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In-App Assistance: Code RED

As a way of putting some "lanes" into the application of WalkMe in the upcoming updates to ImpairmentStudio, I plan to try a new trio of criteria to define our strategy. As long as we don't go overboard, I think these will help keep the in-app assistance content consistent, efficient and effective: Reassure - first…
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Airbnb Painting with Code

A succinct and powerful step toward bringing together code and design inspiration into a design system. One of my favorite sayings quoted in the article is about, essentially, solving hard problems by beginning with the end in mind...good old Stephen Covey wisdom.
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Our designs are NOT our babies.

Every once in awhile I run across someone (sometimes myself) who feel the need to reflexively defend a design against all who would try to "improve" it. This can be terrible news for teammates, the design, and the people who need to use the product. It not only reduces the chance that the design can…
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UAT depends on U

User Acceptance Testing is often a practice to help reduce the chance of rejection of your product. It can be a great thing, if anything happens because of it. Ideally, UAT happens throughout the release, so there are not huge surprises at the end that there is no time to fix. Who are U? Are…
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Good Intro to the Rabbit Hole of Responsive Design

I like A List Apart - and they came through again with an approachable, reasonable article about how to start thinking about responsive design strategy. Also referenced is another article about principles for responsive design. "Start small and work outward to find the info breakpoints; consider completely different presentations for graphics as size changes; look…
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It is time to love ourselves unconditionally.

Self-esteem can be a fairly fragile thing. It's a conditional state, often built on a foundation of comparison of ourselves to others or a list of accomplishments. Self-compassion is an ongoing practice that helps us accept who we are and be more connected to others. It gives many of the benefits of self-esteem without the…
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Invisible Design

What if you built and interface and nobody cared, because they didn't realize it was there? As long they can accomplish what they want, it's a win. I really like this post by Julie Zhuo at Facebook, because it points to a design criteria too often missed...a key aspect of the best designs is often…
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